Diploma Endorsement

Certification of Diploma Endorsement

One of the unique aspects of our project was the development of a Diploma Endorsement that workforce students who met the requirements could have placed upon their diplomas.

Draft of Endorsement Language

The Digital Resources Accessibility award recognizes a student’s achievement of the marketable skills related to captioning and creating ADA compliant video and documents.  Obtainment of this award verifies a student’s ability to: caption videos, review and edit captioned material and create ADA compliant documents and files.

Draft of Endorsement Requirements

Institutional Award – Coordinating Board

In addition to awards recognized by the Coordinating Board, colleges may offer institutional awards of fewer than 15 SCH or 360 continuing education contact hours for completion of a course or series of courses that represent achievement of an identifiable skill proficiency. Institutional Awards do not require Coordinating Board approval and do not appear in the Board’s Workforce Education Inventory. (GIPWE 2015)

Instructional Awards can be described as a micro-credential or a badge in a specific area that represents student proficiency in an area of study.  The use of micro-credentialing is growing

Institutional Skills Award Process

  1. Department/Division Chair would initiate paperwork when student completes the sequence of courses.
  2. Department/Division Chair sends to Student Records.
  3. Student Records evaluates and post award in Colleague. This places the award on the system and is printed on our transcript.
  4. Certificate is created and mailed to the student.

We currently have two areas considering the development of Institutional Awards as part of Perkins Leadership Grant.  As part of our Perkins Leadership Grant we want to award or acknowledge a student’s completion of courses and training related to captioning and creating documents and videos that are ADA compliant.  

Award Title - Digital Resources Accessibility (Two Tracks)

Computer Information Systems and Multimedia

  • IMED 1316 Web Design I
  • ITSC 2386 Internship-Computer & Information Science

Interpreter Training

  • SLNG 1207 Intra-lingual Skills Development for Interpreter
  • SLNG 2266 Sign Language Internship